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virtual exhibition

Letters for the blue boy 

por Lorena Yanenko (writer, journalist)

Talking about the work of Gisele Moura is to talk about what is sacred. Is to talk about the most imperceptible details, but that wisely stand out when placed side by side. Is to talk about God, about rhythms, about diverse colors and their combinations. Is about being together, sometimes in upward spiral movements, sometimes just sharing the time to breastfeed our babies.

 Gisele's Art has sound. I hear the drum roll, laughter of children playing in the yellow land, the indigenous songs that resonate on their necklaces, the sound of birds, of accordions, the collision of clothes on the stones of the river by the strong hands of washerwomen. The washerwomen shows in their features a very dignified silence, so present, that if we pay due attention, we can also listen.

 Gisele thrills us, because she tells stories. Because with her brushes, inks and canvas, she creates fantastic and hopeful plots. It reminds us that delicacy still exists and that we must not lose sight of it, as much as our eyes are too tired or unbelieving.

 The masterpieces gathered here shows a life aspect so playful and so full of what is beautiful, that a desire emerges for the painting to transform into reality, to take form. Barefeet, round skirts, hands up in prayer receiving a light of vitality straight out from the heavens - everyday portraits of life that we should have.

 And above all the dream and utopia, there is a blue boy who is also a prince when he reigns over the land, over those who are black, red, yellow, white. Over those in the north, south, east or west.

 On top of a Peacock, the boy travels through the four corners and carries flags and coats of arms in his luggage. From his throne, which is earth dirt itself, he teaches other children that the world is just one - and that we are all part of it. He rests lying on a pillow and brings on him the feathers of his flying animal.

 And in his presence, his Mother, in a blue mantle as well, wearing the crown of the queen that She is, in the world of Her son prince. The creator of the universe, of the boy, and of all those who dance or meditate under Her protective mantle against all evils of the elder people. Her children put her in the center and spin around her holding hands- as the white with the blue create magic circles.

 I would love to fall asleep and see each one of these pictures while I rest. Gisele's Art is a necessary rest. 

 In an effort to make this happen, I open my eyes and again I can see the girls  in circles, dancing adorned with floral skirts as they raise their hands in joy and splendor. Suddenly, tiny white and red flowers become alive from their skirts and reach the horizon of the heavenly blue tones. The sounds are laughter and prayers. The smell are of roses and jasmine.

 I fall asleep without realizing it rocked by the sound of the boy prince's flute. I can feel my heart full of warmth and prayers of love and of dance. My eyes smile at the grace of seeing such beautiful things.

 Thanks, Gisele

 Lorena Yanenko


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